Art Bob Assorted Bob Books Cool quotes D.C. Bob

Quotes: peeking Into Desolation Row

“This isn’t desolation row this is prostate alley.”

— Colin Syme, commenting on “men sitting round a table playing Bob Dylan on acoustic guitar badly” in “The Strange Undoing of Prudencia Hart,” by David Greig

Assorted Bob Cool quotes

Quotes: Eau de Berkeley

“Summertime Berkeley giving off her old-lady smell, nine different styles of jasmine and a squirt of he-cat.”

— Michael Chabon in “Telegraph Avenue

Assorted Bob Cool quotes Media Bob

Quotes: Pirate ships on seas of Quartz

“We don’t want to be the Royal Navy. We want to be the pirate ship attacking the Royal Navy. I’m bearish on print, including our own. It is an inexorable trend that has to be met with some very radical changes.”

— Justin Smith, president of Atlantic Media on launch of Quartz
Quoted in The New York Times