Assorted Bob Books Cool quotes Gravity's Rainbow

Because he’s a businessman …

“But that’s just what you folks need,” Bloody Chiclitz interjects. “Get some business people in there to run it right, instead of having the government run everything. Your left hand doesn’t know what your right hand’s doing! You know that?”
— Thomas Pynchon, Gravity’s Rainbow

Books Cool quotes Gravity's Rainbow

To only connect?

Well. What happens when paranoid meets paranoid? A crossing of solipsisms. Clearly. The two patterns create a third: a moiré, a new world of flowing shadows, interferences. . . .

Thomas Pynchon, Gravity’s Rainbow

Assorted Bob Books Cool quotes Gravity's Rainbow

The West’s dumping ground

Colonies are the outhouses of the European soul, where a fellow can let his pants down and relax, enjoy the smell of his own shit.

— Thomas Pynchon, Gravity’s Rainbow