Movie Bob Web Bob

The Apocalypse of Pooh …

Via BoingBoing, I found this link to a 1987 mashup of Winnie the Pooh and Apocalypse Now. The intro drags a bit, but once it hits stride, it’s a scream, especially for Apocalypse Now fanatics like me. Winnie has come a long way since the Tao of Pooh ..

Movie Bob

Video stuff …

I finally found a video conversion application for the Mac that I like, so I’ve been downloading a lot of stuff and moving it to my video iPod today.

Movie Bob Techno Bob

Video iPod (reprise)

So after seeing our Mac Whore’s video iPod, I rushed out and bought the 60 gig version. I opted for the black version. All I can say is that it’s astoundingly cool.