
Jesus H. Christ …

This one is funny on so many levels …

1. ABC, the network that brought us the Victoria’s Secret fashion special and so many sitcom crimes against common sense, is protecting us from using “Jesus” as an exclamation.

2. Jerry Falwell is deeply offended that ABC decided to bleep “Jesus,” probably sensing an anti-Christian conspiracy instead of a muddled attempt to avoid offending Christians. I wonder if Jerry will hold the same opinion the next time someone says, “Jesus Christ! Get the hell out of my way.” Bet he won’t … But then again, he’s probably still talking to God about how the World Trade Center attack can be partially blamed on “… the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America.” Jesus Christ! The dude’s too much.

Maybe ABC should hire him as their new censor.


Evel’s ready to jump again …

When I was a kid, I though Evel Kneivel was the coolest thing on wheels. He inspired us the the loftiest heights of stupidity. We jumped our Big Wheels and bicycles over just about everything. Somewhere, I even have 8MM slow-motion film of my brother crashing and burning on a Big Wheel.

Now the man is planning a return with his longest jump ever. Can you say “nationally televised suicide“?


I’ll have my steak Pittsburgh rare …

This one was passed on to me by a friend and fellow Pittsburgh expatriate. I’d always wondered where the expression “Pittsburgh rare” came from. I guess it’s another one of those ‘Burgh things, like red beer (putting a bit of tomato juice in your beer when you were drinking beer for breakfast after working the night shift at the mill) or boilermakers (shot of whiskey dropped in a class of beer).