Assorted Bob

Lara takes aim …

During a recent blogger party that Michael Silence threw, Lara was telling Les and SayUncle how much she’d like to fire a gun. Needless to say, the prospect made me immensely nervous. Lara. Guns. Hmmmm. Maybe I should sit this one out. So Les and SayUncle set up a shooting lesson for her. And I […]

During a recent blogger party that Michael Silence threw, Lara was telling Les and SayUncle how much she’d like to fire a gun. Needless to say, the prospect made me immensely nervous. Lara. Guns. Hmmmm. Maybe I should sit this one out.

So Les and SayUncle set up a shooting lesson for her. And I decided to tag along to see how it went. She took to it quickly. The guys gave us a gun safety course before we went out on the range and they explained each gun to us and gave us tips on shooting straight. We didn’t do badly for novices.

Lara started with a .22 but quickly became enamored of the .357. She’s now determined to go to the range on Tuesdays, which is Ladies Night (women shoot free) and try various guns to find the right one.

I uploaded several photos from Sunday, including an odd shot of Michael Silence shooting a .22 with a silencer on it. Some headline writer could have a blast with that.

Much thanks to Les and SayUncle. We had a great time …

4 replies on “Lara takes aim …”

Thanks. I was hoping you’d see that and correct me if I was wrong. I should remember that since it was the Sig 9mm that I liked the best …

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