Web Bob

Bamm-Bamm Rubble walks among us

I was a major Flintstones fan as a child, and I especially liked Bamm-Bamm, the Rubbles’ muscle-bound kid. Imagine my surprise when NPR had a brief thing on a kid in England who has abnormally developed muscles. But that wasn’t nearly as cool as finding a photo of Muscle Baby on Yahoo. And of course, […]

I was a major Flintstones fan as a child, and I especially liked Bamm-Bamm, the Rubbles’ muscle-bound kid. Imagine my surprise when NPR had a brief thing on a kid in England who has abnormally developed muscles. But that wasn’t nearly as cool as finding a photo of Muscle Baby on Yahoo. And of course, there’s a story, too.

Gotta love the Internet. Yahoo’s photo page is the same place that’s currently featuring Rasputin’s penis. That’s pretty damn cool, too, though I’m not convinced it’s the real deal. Also, the ultra cool part of that photo is the woman who is examining the specimen. The look on her face is priceless.

And speaking of the Flintstones, I dug Bamm-Bamm, but I totally drew the line at the Great Gazoo. What a wanker. He was the cartoon equivalent of Oliver on the Brady Bunch. A sure sign of a show that’s jumped the shark.

11 replies on “Bamm-Bamm Rubble walks among us”

Bamm-Bamm reminded me of every dumbass redneck boy I knew in Alabama, the sort of brainless, inherently insensitive oafs who broke everything they touched, shot squirrels with BB guns and stomped on their mother’s flowers.

That said, the Great Gazoo needed to have his ass kicked.


Any chance of your adding an RSS feed for the sorry swine like me who love the weblog but are too lazy to expend the .0045 calories necessary to type/click on over?

I realize that as an “infrequenter,” I am in no position to be making demands, yet the thought of a fresh headline or full post being delivered hot off the press to my FeedDemon makes me happy as a zombie in a shopping mall the weekend after Thanksgiving.

BTW, Chris: You’re not the “real” Bamm-Bamm, are you? Leanne seems to be describing you to a T: “every dumbass redneck boy I knew in Alabama, the sort of brainless, inherently insensitive oafs who broke everything they touched, shot squirrels with BB guns and stomped on their mother’s flowers.”

Shot any squirrels lately?

Sounds like me. Except now my kids break everything their dumbass redneck father owns, and mostly I shoot dogs instead of squirrels and trample on other folks’ momma’s flowers while reading (or pretending to read) Joyce, and William Gaddis.


Did you see where Wired announced they’re bringing Webmonkey back from the dead?

Bamm Bamm in Bamma….. Ooh, I like it. But is that supposed to be satire? (I still laugh at your posting a few months back, Chris, about your UAB students’ reaction to Swift.)

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