Techno Bob

Tivo goodness …

Via PVRBlog, I stumbled upon what I believe to be the coolest Tivo-related gadget yet to enter my arsenal. It’s called TivoDecode Manager, which bills itself as being “for Mac users stuck using third-party workarounds.”

In short, this allows me to move shows recorded on my Tivo to my Mac, and it also has an option to format them for viewing on my video iPod. Best of all, it worked flawlessly. Once I downloaded it, I just entered my Tivo’s IP address and Media Access Key. It instantly found the Tivo on my wireless network and got it talking to my Mac.

To test it, I downloaded a copy of a Monty Python episode (the one featuring Dinsdale, the thuggish Piranha brother who is terrorized by Spiny Norman, a giant hateful hedgehog. I’m not sure exactly how long the transfer took since I walked away from my computer, but when I came back an hour or two later, the Python episode was in my iTunes library and ready to be moved to my iPod.

Very cool. Very, very cool. This will make Travel Bob very happy.

Now playing: No More Buffalo from the album “Live In Aught-Three” by James McMurtry & The Heartless Bastards

Techno Bob Zombie Bob

Apologies to the Mac Whore …

To the office Mac Whore, I apologize. I apologize for taunting you and your Cult of Apple ways. I apologize for all of my crimes and insults against the Mac. And I apologize for my slurs against St. Steven Jobs.

I just purchased a Mac mini (the 1.66GHz version, with 1 gig of RAM). Wow. It’s freakin’ awesome. And I really haven’t even done much with it yet.

Techno Bob

Basking in a little vendor love

A vendor just sent me an iPod Nano. I’ve already set it up. It’s totally blowing me away. Damn, it’s tiny. Perfect for those quick trips to Cincinnati when I don’t want to take the video iPod. I’ll probably also make it my new gym companion. We’re now a four iPod family. Just call it technical ecstasy …