Media Bob

For sale …

I have several items that I’m trying to get rid of. This also is giving me an eye-opening look at online classifieds. I’m putting online/print ads in the local paper, the Thrifty Nickel and Yahoo! just to see what the differences are. So far, all I can say is that Yahoo! totally gets it. They […]

I have several items that I’m trying to get rid of. This also is giving me an eye-opening look at online classifieds. I’m putting online/print ads in the local paper, the Thrifty Nickel and Yahoo! just to see what the differences are. So far, all I can say is that Yahoo! totally gets it. They make placing an ad online a simple and painless experience. The real test will be to see if their ads bring results …

Here are the items I’m selling:

A saltwater aquarium (You have to enter my phone number 865-691-7731 to see the ad, which is a print ad keyed to my phone number.)

A desk

A wireless base station

A printer

No sense linking to the desk or printer ads since the local paper got the numbers wrong. We’ll have to see if the Thrifty Nickel does better, but that ad doesn’t publish until Wednesday.

So Yahoo! was the only one that could get my ad up and running on New Years Eve without any delays. It’s also telling me how many people have viewed the ad …

One reply on “For sale …”

Yeah, whooda thunk it? Yahoo’s classifieds really show the value of fielded ads, simple interfaces, and treating the users themselves as advertisers. All that and it is powered by perl and mysql. The financial section of yahoo is switching to perl/mysql as well. Of cource yahoo doesn’t have to worry about how the ad would look in print, but it shouldn’t be a difficult thing anyway.

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