
Jingles joins the pack …

When our friend Boogie died, we took in her dog, a scrappy five-pound terror named Jingles. Somehow the name doesn’t quite capture the sound and fury of this Maltese. So we started casting around for a new name. And I started thinking of the emperor of Lilliput in Jonathan Swift’s incredible “Gulliver’s Travels.” This was […]

jingle.jpgWhen our friend Boogie died, we took in her dog, a scrappy five-pound terror named Jingles. Somehow the name doesn’t quite capture the sound and fury of this Maltese. So we started casting around for a new name. And I started thinking of the emperor of Lilliput in Jonathan Swift’s incredible “Gulliver’s Travels.” This was a little man with a big attitude. Just like Jingles. So we decided on a new name for the little guy, retaining his Jingle but adding a bit of attitude. He is now Jingles Golbaste Mamarem Evlame Gurdile Shefin Mully Ully Gue, Delight and Terror of the Universe. Since that’s a lot of name for a little pooch, we’ve shortened it to Mully Jingles.

Here’s Swift’s description of this regal monarch. We think it fits the newest member of our pack (yes, I’m up to five dogs now …)

“Golbaste Mamarem Evlame Gurdile Shefin Mully Ully Gue, Most Mighty Emperor of Lilliput, delight and terror of the universe, whose dominions extend to the ends of the globe, monarch of all monarchs, taller than the sons of men, whose feet press down to the center, and whose head strikes against the sun, at whose nod the princes of the earth shake their knees, pleasant as the spring, comfortable as the summer, fruitful as autumn, dreadful as winter.”

Yup. That’s Mully Jingles. If you want to see a few photos of him, click here.

And if you have never read “Gulliver’s Travels,” snap it up. Incredible book. Swift was an incredible satirist.

7 replies on “Jingles joins the pack …”

IIRC, a certain Bob Kazmaier had a swift fondness for Swift…but seemed to prefer Sir Philip Sidney’s courteous ways.

My favorite student Swiftian comment, in response to our discussion of “A Modest Proposal” when I was cramming EH 102 down their throats at UAH:

Uh, that’s supposed to be satire, right?

Yup. We have five now. I really felt sorry for the little guy the first few days he was here. It was clear he missed Boogie. Lara brought back Boogie’s pillow, which Jingles sleeps on. I think that helps. He also follows Lara around. I think he’s starting to get adjusted to life here … wish I could. Har.

Good. I count on you to have a larger pack than me, Bob, because then when Scott tugs at his hair and says “We have too many goddamn animals!!!”, I say “Well, I only have two dogs. Bob has five.”

By the way, a new bird joined the flock. Henry, the yellow-naped amazon, moved in a few months ago. Which brings the bird count up to 12 parakeets, three large birds.

i’m not allowed to have more than two dogs at a time. i tried to get the limit switched to a weight basis figuring that i could have a larger pack of smaller dogs but ryck wouldn’t go for it. he hasn’t set a limit on barn animals yet tho… i’m thinking “miniature donkeys”! 😉

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