
You know you’re in Knoxville when …

Within a two-block section of torn up Market Square, you encounter: — Two pairs of fat, sweaty, screaming men waving Bibles and bleating about the wonders of GEE-sUS for everyone to enjoy. I mean, who are they hoping to convert? You can’t spit without hitting a fundamentalist Christian in Knoxville. And I’d think most heathens […]

Within a two-block section of torn up Market Square, you encounter:

— Two pairs of fat, sweaty, screaming men waving Bibles and bleating about the wonders of GEE-sUS for everyone to enjoy. I mean, who are they hoping to convert? You can’t spit without hitting a fundamentalist Christian in Knoxville. And I’d think most heathens would be unlikely to fall for a used car dealer approach to peddling religion.

— The sound of jackhammers, heavy equipment and swearing construction workers as Knoxville tries once againt to forge a viable downtown out of the Beirut-remains of its former glory.

— Within 20 feet of the second pair of so-called Christians, a guy dressed up in a giant dollar bill suit handing out something (I didn’t get close enough to see what) to promote a local bank. The juxtaposition was too much for me to handle, and I started laughing uncontrollably, confusing all of the assembled evangelists — those trying to force feed us their beliefs, their banking practices and their vision of a revitalized downtown …

Also, I intend to post more photos/notes from the Jamaica trip. Just need to find time. I wrote about it until about mid-way, then just lost all motivation to boot the computer. That’s when I knew the vacation was a success.