
Newcomers …

I thought it might be fun to mix things up a bit. I’ve given frequent commenters Leanne and Chris (a k a Christian Humanist Redneck Isolationist Swine in Bama) the ability to create and edit their own posts here so they can speak out without just responding to the bunk I post. If you’d like […]

I thought it might be fun to mix things up a bit. I’ve given frequent commenters Leanne and Chris (a k a Christian Humanist Redneck Isolationist Swine in Bama) the ability to create and edit their own posts here so they can speak out without just responding to the bunk I post.

If you’d like access, let me know and I’ll give you a username/login.

11 replies on “Newcomers …”

what the hell is a “christian humanist”?! pick a team and go with it!

p.s. chris and leanne, it would be helpful if you sign your original posts so that we humble readers don’t have to deduce the source. for some reason, it’s very disturbing to get to the end of a piece and realize that you read it with the wrong voice echoing in your cranial cavity.

ah… the original poster’s name shows on the index but not the individual entries. bb, can you have your people look into this, please? 😉

Hey jo:

I needed to tweak a few things to get the name of the person who’s posting to appear there. I think I have it fixed now. Needed to do battle with several parts of the site, and even got to play with the chmod command. Strange, though. It needed to be 666 to work ….

And another thing: Why don’t we set you up so you can post, too? We need a Pennsyltucky Hick in the mix …

Send me an e-mail with the URL you want to use and I’ll get it set up.

dearest jo,

What’s in a name, you ask? On any given day, I might be one or the others, but certainly not all five at once! Truthfully, most days I’m either a redneck (typically), an isolationist (frequently), or a swine (almost always). My wife, I should add, votes for pure Male Chauvinist Pig 100% of the time (but she still fetches me beer and sandwiches!). In my better moments I’m a pretty fair humanist, and even very infrequently (ask anyone) a devout and glowing saint of the church. The last time I confessed humanism I was drinking the fruit of the glass lined vats of Old Latrobe in a small jazz club in downtown Birmingham that had seen better days. That was 13 years ago. Time flies.

Of course, most of my colleagues think me a jackass, but I couldn’t figure out how to work it into the acronym without ruining the symmetry.

Grundy’s. What an incredible bar that was. Jazz in a basement on Birmingham’s north side. Jerry used to keep it open for us as late as we’d keep drinking, which often was till daybreak. Great place to kick back after a night of newspapering … and drink a few Rolling Rocks while taunting passing secular humanists.

Believe it or not, I actually found a tribute to Grundy on the Web. Sometimes the internet IS more than massive breasts and penises the size of coke cans …

Yep! My four favorite bars in Bham were Grundys, Joe, that converted cinder block gas station (I think we called it Nicks, not to be confused with The Nick) on the corner of 5th(?) Avenue and 35th(?) street south, and of course the Burly Earl.

Grundy’s is gone now. Joe moved and I refuse to go because it ain’t Joe no more if it’s moved. Yes I’m like that. I abhor change.

The cinder block gas station has changed as well and is no longer the “place for me.” The Burly Earl is still there, and I still love it dearly, although my life rarely takes me by there anymore.

Still nothing better than throwing darts after consuming many pitchers of Killians.

Ahhh the good old days…when women were women, beer was beer, and I was never lucky enough to have both in the same place at the same time.

i think that i was at grundy’s! i don’t remember the occassion. i think that the belle was there too…


Jackass Or A Nother Nagging Equine

Yes, jo. You had the Grundy’s experience. I think that was when the Belle was working as a waitress there.

Damn, Benz, allofasudden that seems like a long time ago. Just hit me. I’ve slowed down. I can remember hitting at least three bars in one night…then going home and grading freshman comp papers. Now I drink my one beer for the evening on the screen porch listening to the crickets and bullfrogs…and occasional errant gunfire from the county’s only crack house that happens to be a couple miles up the road from me the Newer South.

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