Paddle Bob

Autumn paddle on Melton Hill Lake

Melton Hill LakeI took advantage of a shimmering autumn afternoon yesterday to paddle Melton Hill Lake. I put in at the dam and headed upstream, pausing to paddle up Hope Creek. Fall colors still were clinging to a few trees along the shoreline, but for the most part the woods had receded into their winter attire. This is part of the Pellissippi Blueway, which I’ve been paddling a section at a time. I saw a lot of blue herons and kingfishers along the way. The highlight was a glimpse of a pilated woodpecker as he flitted from one dead tree to another. I paddled to the rhythm of his thumping as I continued upstream

I really like this stretch of the lake. Much of it is TVA land and isn’t developed. I saw only a few clusters of homes and docks as I made my way upstream. It’s very different from Loudon, which is a sprawling suburb of a lake, bristling with lawns and houses and other attempts to impose order on nature.

I also took a side trip up Hope Creek, where I saw a great crumbling dock. I’ve been thinking about embarking on a mission next summer to start photographing these artifacts of lakeside bliss.

Today, I’m paying the price. I got carried away and put in almost 13 miles of paddling yesterday. It didn’t help that a  headwind came up while I was paddling back toward the dam. The final few miles were a slog. But it was worth it.

Here’s a GPS image of the route I paddled. More images are here.

GPS image of Melton Hill Lake paddle

Music Bob Uncategorized

Jagger fires back at Richards

Mick’s reaction to Keith’s recent autobiography is surprisingly lucid and makes you stop to consider the other side of the Stones’ story.

Particularly interesting, I think, is Jagger’s brutally honest (and accurate) assessment of the Stones’ creative decline. He also does a good job of explaining why he played the bad guy, the one who tried to focus on the business side of the band.

To quote Mick:

Does Keith really sigh for the good old days on tour? Shabby theaters, shitty sound? Wound-up kids standing for hours in the hot summer sun in dreadful mid-American cities waiting for a chance to race recklessly for general-admission seats? Us enduring a day of hassle and travel to take home perhaps $3,500 each? I remember Keith asleep or not showing up until hours after the scheduled start time. Our feral fans running, fighting, throwing rocks at police. Today, the shows start promptly, there are video screens for the folks in the back, and we offer $1,000-a-seat ducats for the fat cats.

The response appears on Slate via strange circumstances. It will be interesting to see if it turns out to be a fraud, but it reads very much like what I’d expect Jagger’s response to be.

Assorted Bob Music Bob Zombie Bob

30 days of the Dead

It’s the Day of the Dead (Dia de los Muertos), but the folks at are expanding the holiday to fill the entire month via “30 Days of the Dead.”

Every day this month, is offering a new song to download free. Most are soundboard recordings that never have been officially released. I’m listing to a nice version of “New Speedway Boogie” that I just downloaded. Can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings. I guess it won’t be the first time the Dead have feasted on my brain …

Via Jambase.