Dog Bob Transcendental Bob

Frosty sunrise


Originally uploaded by Suffering the Benz.

The dogs and I got to witness an amazing sunrise at Melton Hill Lake this morning. Xena had ice clinging to her from her frosty dip in the lake and Gilligan and Ozzy where running around like maniacs. There’s something about the cold silence of a January morning, pierced by the occasional shriek of birds as they awaken, that is totally sublime. Steam rises up off the water. My mind’s as crisp as the dawn. The day can only go downhill from here …

Dog Bob Transcendental Bob

Autumn swoops into Tennessee

I’ve been traveling a lot lately and haven’t run the dogs at the lake for several weeks. Perhaps the wait made this morning one of our best jaunts to Melton Hill in a while.

Transcendental Bob

Grabbing the Red Bull by the horns

Anyone who knows me knows I love a good caffeine buzz. Generally, that comes in the form of a venti Starbucks iced coffee with two extra shots of espresso. The silo, as one co-worker has fearfully dubbed it.

But I’ve been known to indulge in the occasional “energy drink.” Slate has a pretty cool review of these high-test brews, and Red Bull doesn’t fair too well.