The great Christmas showdown ...
Kathleen Edge desecrates the Christmas Tree
Kathleen Edge aids in the desecration of the 1997 Christmas tree.
Nine years ago, Lara Edge and Bob Benz began a new holiday tradition: the Desecrate the Christmas Tree Party. They invited friends of all ilks to make their own ornaments and gather at the Benz&Edge's Estate to adorn an unsuspecting evergreen. The ornaments range from the beautiful to the sublime. Like a pair of strange prophets, Benz&Edge have carried the tradition to the farthest reaches of the United States -- Birmingham, Albuquerque, Denver, Austin and now Knoxville, Tennessee. In Albuquerque, the party started becoming competitive, and a "Best Ornament of the Year" award was bestowed on the most creative offering. This is where the trouble -- and our story -- begins ...
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